Join The CMAA
To find out about our membership options and how to join us click here.
About Us
The CMAA was founded in 2002 as a National Supporting Body for all Martial Arts (one of the largest recreational activities in the world) and has grown to be one of the largest groups in the United Kingdom. Run by a genuine martial artist our aim is to bring all styles together in a fair, equal and open minded manner. The CMAA recognises all known styles whether they are Traditional, Freestyle or Mixed and with several thousand members throughout the United Kingdom and Europe we would invite any Instructor or Student from any style to join. The most important thing to note is we do not interfere in the lawful management of your club(s) as we never forget it is your choice to join us, we are simply here to SUPPORT YOU.
Members Testimonials
Find out what our some of our existing members say about us, click here
Promoting Good Practice, Health & Safety and Safeguarding.
ICO Registered as per GDPR 2018
Fully supportive of the guidelines as set by the 'Instructor Standards' ideology
Holders of (CMAA Office) The Greater Manchester Sports Partnership Club Mark
Members of the Sport and Recreation Alliance
Registered Umbrella Body With The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
First Aid Training Provider
Ensuring Quality Service and Tuition With The Cobra Centre of Excellence Award
Equal Opportunities and Respecting Diversity - click here
Read The CMAA Safeguarding Policy - click here
Trade Marks and Logos
The CMAA logos must only be displayed by registered current Member Clubs on literature, advertising materials or websites. The CMAA logos, along with the CMAA name (abbreviated or otherwise) must not be used on any of the following unless officially issued by the CMAA.
* Certificates of any kind
* Badges or other embroidery / printing on club uniforms
Any person using them who is not a current Member will be infringing on Trade Mark & Copyright Law due to the fact that the term 'COBRA MARTIAL ARTS' and the CMAA logo are registered Trade Marks (section 41) for the Instruction of all Martial Arts Within the United Kingdom. Registration Number: 2369237 "Infringement of registered Trade Marks:- This occurs when a third party uses a sign or word identical, or similar to, a registered mark in respect of identical or similar goods or services"
Cases won to date against non CMAA members using the name = 7
Cases won to date against non CMAA members using copyrighted material = 2
"Martial Arts Instructor UK" and "Cobra Kids" are protected under the same conditions.
This website was designed and created in 2002, is protected by copyright and carries a disclaimer which can be read here.