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Members Testimonials

The CMAA was founded in 2002 and is still expanding. We have asked CMAA members to tell us what they think has kept us going while other groups have failed or closed down, some would call this '360 feedback'. New additions are shown at the top of the page. To start with here is a quote from the CMAA President and Founder, Andrew Morrell.
‘I founded the CMAA as an open-minded body for all Martial Arts styles to join should they wish to. The one thing I have tried to maintain is that we don’t make bold claims as other groups are still doing in claiming to be ‘The Governing Body’ or ‘Simply the Best Organisation’, we don’t even actively advertise anymore! Instead we just do what we do in support of our members and here are some of their comments’.


Many congratulations on your Association's 20 years - great achievement!  We are very pleased we made the right decision in becoming members all those years ago. The Association has gone from strength to strength. You have done an amazing job. All your help and support over the years has been much appreciated. We look forward to now using the  letters CGM, after our names for club certificates etc. We wish you continued success for the future. 

Kind regards,

Michael Czajkowski and Karin Bhoopal.

It's been 2 years now since I joined the Cobra Martial Arts Association (CMAA) and how time has flown. Mr Andrew Morrell helped me carry on teaching my style and at first I kept my old masters styles name. But, after a lot conversations with some very important people, I thought it was time to change the name of the style and decided to make it my own style name. With some really great help from Mr Andrew Morrell I decided to name my style Phoenix Freestyle Hapkido and having done that I now have a style name that people can recognise. My class has grown since the name change and again I want to say thanks to Mr Andrew Morrell and the CMAA for all the things they have done for me in the last 2 years and here's to a lot more years to come and a great service. Andrew is always a text away if I ever need any advice.
Wayne Davis.

CMAA and Andrew Morrell have supported us greatly over the years. It's refreshing and a comfort to have such thought out guidance, parred with the freedom to lead our clubs in a fashion tailored to our teaching and our students. We never wait long for a response as Andy and CMAA are on the ball, ready to help, even with minor enquiries. Post is received very quickly which enables us to forward plan, and help keep our admin on track. CMAA feels like a family almost, with so many opportunities to enhance ones club, and work with others in the Martial Arts, not to mention the abundance of first class training courses and seminars.'
Gordon & Liam Webster.

I have tried various martial arts organisations, but none of them come close to the efficiency and organisation of Cobra Martial Arts. Andy has helped my club achieve many things in a matter of weeks, which was previously a process which took months at other organisations. I'm excited to see how the professionalism continues throughout the organisation and how this will develop into the future.
Sohail Chowdhary.

Massive thanks and respect to Andy and Cobra Martial Arts.  Since joining Cobra last year my club, Helston Ju Jitsu, has gone from strength to strength and I know that this is down to the help and guidance received from Andy in ensuring that all the necessary policies and procedures are in place. Well within the first six months of our new and independent club we achieved Cobra’s Centre of Excellence award which, amongst other things, has allowed us to further develop our young cadets with incredible results in their development and with immense gratitude from their parents. Thanks also Andy for your honesty and guidance recently which came as a well needed breath of fresh air.
Ricky Williams.

I would like to say a really big thank you to Andrew Morrell for letting me become a member of his Cobra Martial Arts Association as I wanted to carry the style of Ashido (Freestyle Aikido) on has my teacher, who I thought of has a father figure for many years, past away. I was finding it very hard to keep the style going, then I found the Cobra Martial Arts Association and Andrew Morrell. With his help I now can carry on teaching Ashido to a new generation of Martial Arts enthusiast so again a big big thank you to Andrew Morrell!!!!!!      
Wayne Davis.

Cobra is by far the best, comprehensive and most efficient association I have been a member of, and I've been with a few over the years. My club seems to be growing now better than ever and it's running smoother due to your efficiency sorting of licences and such like, so thank you very much for all the help.
Ian Chapman.

Been with CMAA for 10yrs now, and have worked up to my 5th Dan Master Degree under CMAA and never looked back. Even after 10yrs I still text/call or email him for help advice and support. It's just one big happy family and that goes to all other instructors I have met and worked with. Looking forward to a lot more years to come. Regards to Andy and his team.
Keith Gardner.

It's a great organisation with top instructors led by Andrew Morrell - top boss.
Mick Jones.

This year is 10 Years since I started the club, which I feel is a great achievement for me, considering the ops I have had over the years. When I decided to phone you 10 years ago, it was the best phone call I have made. You gave me all the help I needed to ensure I was doing the right thing by leaving my previous club. I can't thank you enough and am 100% sure the decision I made was the right one.
Ray Grey.

A massive thanks goes out this morning to Andrew Morrell and his organisation Cobra Martial Arts Association for the excellent advice he gave to me yesterday, during a good 90 minute conversation. That's a significant chunk of his day to support me and my martial arts activities. That kind of loyalty and support is priceless and for anyone considering starting up their own martial arts organisation, I cannot recommend Andy or his organisation enough. Thanks Andy!
‎Martin Morrison.

Hi Andy, Just thought I would mention that it was the best move I ever did in all the years of doing the Martial Arts in joining the CMAA and am very happy being in it and shall continue to be a member with my students until I stop breathing fresh air!
It's not about what grade a person is its about fairness, individual advice if needed, a very friendly Association with no politics and a very thorough professional body all round that carries Martial Artists with real knowledge and making sure that standards are always kept up. I just felt I wanted to commend you and the others in what you have achieved by forming the CMAA, over the years I have been involved in a few well known governing bodies as member and instructor, but I have never felt shall we say more at home than I do in the CMAA Supporting Body. It is a breath of fresh air Andy!!, no Politics/Arguments and its a pleasure to be a part of it, 0SU.
John Farenden.

Proud to have been under the CMAA for so long Andy, would recommend (& have) to anyone. Great operation and well run by yourself & the team. Always supportive and knowledgeable. Hats off to you, OSU!
Aaron Hunt.

I have been in the martial arts for 40 years now I have always found the one of the worst things in the martial arts is the ' Politics '. About 7 years ago I started to teach full time, at the time I was with another martial arts governing body. When I needed advice or help they could not help me or just could not offer what I needed. I started to look around at other 'governing bodies' and I was not impressed, until I came across 'Cobra' . I picked up the phone and spoke to Andy! That was in 2010, and ever since then I have never looked back. No matter what advice you are looking for small or large, Andy was always there to help and guide me through things. I wish I had found them earlier. Cobra is a ' FANTASTIC ' governing body to be with. I would not hesitate to stake my club name to say, if you don't join Cobra you are missing out on so much.  Andy is a great person to know.
Many Thanks,
Sean Connley  . 

I have been teaching, coaching karate for nearly thirty years, twenty seven with the same organisation. Our association decided to move and eventually joined CMAA in July 2012. I was initially dubious about joining a multi style association but have found Andy to be fair with reciprocal respect. CMAA do everything they claim in a proper professional manner. They are a well structured association and I am proud to be associated with them.
Norman C Milne.

It was around this time 10 years ago that I picked up the phone and spoke with Andrew Morrell after being so disillusioned with the politics in martial arts industry. Andy was a breath of fresh air and I would like to publicly thank him and his organisation, CMAA, for his help and support over the years.
Garth Barnard.

We were the second Irish club to sign up with Cobra and we had been mis sold an insurance policy and only for Andy helping us we could have been in serious trouble so big pat on the back Andy dedicated to the sport a genuine gentleman.
Dorothy Leonard.

After training with another organisation and wanting to offer an alternative, we found CMAA and never looked back.
Sue Rowe.

Without doubt the best phone call I made after leaving previous club, always answers your questions and never judges you.
Ray Grey.

Support second to none, best of all. Proud to be part of this great group of true martial artists.
Peter Turton.

A good solid association, a breath of fresh air in the MA's
Steve Rowe.

Andrew Morrell is a great guy, l have been with him for many years now and will never ever change. No Politics Always on the end of the phone, a good friend.
Neil Pearson.

Nothings to much trouble day or night, phone or email. Absolute pleasure and peace of mind.
Adrian Brace.

From the word go I found Andy to be an absolute gent who was willing to give advice and guidance even before I had fully become a member. From asking about the possibility of joining, to starting a club and all the "Daft" questions that go with it, no email, text or call went unanswered, also I have called in to see Andy at his own club on a few occasions and have always been met with a warm smile and a friendly handshake and have never been made to feel like it was burden having to deal with myself and my queries. In a nutshell, the CMAA does exactly what it says on the tin. For anyone looking to branch out or want good honest support, help and guidance from their association, then look no further than Andy and the CMAA.
Steve Buckley.

Cobra membership/insurance/service is probably the best value for money in any Martial Arts Association in the UK/Ireland today and for that we are all very grateful.
Niall Grange.

I would just like to say how grateful I am to be a part of the CMAA.  I started the WKJA 4 year's ago when I was 22. I had 2 students in 2009, I was clueless and naive. I was a young man with a dream and the bottle to try and make it a reality. I have had constant support and guidance from Andrew Morrell from the CMAA and now have over 100 students and managed to take 70 students to grade this past February. My dream was realised.
Thank you.
Eddie Bates.

Hi Andy.
Just want to say thanks for all the support that the CMAA give me. My wee club is going really well and the coaching standards are so much higher now than when I wasn't with the CMAA. I've had some great CMAA coaches over from England over the past while andbenefited enormously from them so again a huge thanks mate.
Paul Simpson.

Dear Andrew,
I would like to express my thanks with all your help on setting up a martial arts club. Without Cobra Martial Arts knowledge, time and help Freespirit Martial Arts may never have been born. No question i ask ever goes unanswered and your attention to detail is second to none. Cobra is a fantastic supporting governing body whom myself and our students are extremely proud to be a part of, i highly recommend Cobra Martial Arts Association to anyone.
Mark Reather.

Hi Andy,
All the very best for the coming year I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Sir for all your help guidance and understanding throughout the years, I have been an Instructor for a number of years and as such I have been a member of quite a number of organizations and I can say without any doubt in my mind joining Cobra was the best decision I have ever made I know that if I have any matters regarding the running of my academy or questions in general you are always on hand to offer help and advice. With your guidance I can see Cobra becoming this country's biggest and most professional Martial Arts Organisation.
Colin Beddow.

I was there BEFORE the start ten years ago, and I saw something in Andy at the meeting at my home that made me just know he would be the ideal head of an organisation. I have been longer in the martial arts than Andy, but he has been far better at running an organisation than I could ever have been and that still holds true. I often 'copy' aspects and ideas that Andy mentions to me in conversation. I have great admiration for Andy and CMAA as the word 'honest' reflects everything he does. I still use Andy for advice and sometimes 'rebuke' regarding my own efforts. We are friendly 'rivals' as we both head Martial Arts organisations, and of course from time to time we might 'clash', but none of this is ever 'nasty'. You who are members of CMAA will get a professional, honest manner to your memberships. You won’t go far wrong with Andy & CMAA.
There are many ego driven martial arts groups/organisations in the UK, I have been involved since September 1960, and I know of them all....  But CMAA will never be in that list but in a list of well run martial arts organisations that I would recommend 100%.
Dave Turton.

We at the Matsumura Karate Academy are a traditional karate school teaching Shotokan Karate. We have been with the CMAA since 2006, we came to the CMAA as a result of being treated very poorly by our previous Association. An all styles Association was not my intended "home" for our school so as a stopgap, until we found a Shotokan Association to join we joined the CMAA. Our experience since becoming a part of the CMAA has been a sheer joy. Andy Morrell, the president and head of the CMAA, is truly an amazing man of outstanding character. The Association is run with efficiency and passion. As a result we no longer have a desire to move on and are proud members. I would recommend the CMAA to any school wishing to find an Association and supporting body.
Gus Matsumura.

I think, for me, it's been about the helpfulness of not just the officials which has been amazing but also the fellow instructors. The feeling that everyone is treated equally and with respect no matter the style or size of the club. The main difference I have found from the other organisations I've belonged to is you had to be in the right club or close to the right people to have a voice. In the CMAA everyone has a voice.
Paul Holt.

I remember as if it were yesterday, the day I phoned Andy about certain ‘problems’ I was having with the club I was with at the time (non-Cobra) and that I was looking to set up somewhere my own. To be honest, I’d already phoned a couple of other associations and it’s just one of things where you get the impression that something isn’t right….I’d already decided that I wasn’t going to stay with FEKO… That first time that I phoned Andy which I think was probably around February 2007, a couple of months before I actually left my old club but was slowly getting myself organised with bits ‘n’ pieces, finding a hall, etc. something just clicked straight away as if I was talking to an old friend but yet we knew nothing about each other (and yes, I remember the conversation about ‘The Goodies’). …and I certainly remember that he was very genuinely supportive. I joined CMAA in March 2007 and the level of help I got was way beyond what I imagined any other association would have given me (including the website Andy kindly made for me). Andy’s been a great help all along the way. I’ve made some great friends through Cobra too.
Lee Batchelor.

You get to keep the clubs tradition and identity. But there's always some one on hand to give advice when needed. Every one on here that I've spoken to and met are all down to earth and there's no bull sh*t that can be found with some Martial Arts Associations/Organizations.
Mike Harwood.

To add my own comment, I've known Andy Morrell for a long long time, and haven't always seen eye to eye. But the way he has welcomed me into the organisation, treated me with such respect, and then have seen for myself first hand what wonderful achievements and strides forwards he and close instructors have made, not just in the CMAA but with the likes of 'Instructor Standards', DBS checks, the MAIUK program etc etc which all help to improve the value of instruction students can expect from a CMAA registered club, is to me, an excellent job very well done.
Steve Balfe.

You’re a straight talking, knowledgeable nice guy Andy…Simple as that and I’m very happy to be associated with you.
Kevin Pell.

The CMAA has grown and will continue to do so because first impressions count in my opinion and while others give almost a sales pitch and a load of, (thinking of a better word… sorry I can’t), bullsh*t which most of us can’t abide. When i called and explained what I wanted to start the Confidence Academy you could of led me a merry go round but you didn’t, you gave me exactly the right information no bull, no ego, no big I am just honest straight down the line truth which I thank you for.
Stuart Smith.

Excellent Customer service in our opinion is fundamental for every Governing Body to deliver, especially for small clubs who need support and guidance. I have been with three governing bodies since I started teaching martial arts in 1997. I won’t mention their names but they are large organisations. I found that because my clubs were small the previous Governing Bodies were either unable or unwilling to properly give advice or support, hence they lost our business! However, we joined CMAA in August 2008 and have noted the following: A Governing Body that best demonstrates excellent customer service and has a distinct advantage over its competition. Significance The CMAA know their business, in this case Martial Arts and all the legislation that is required to run a club legally and successfully.
The CMAA acknowledge our questions in a timely manner. In addition the CMAA have the means through their experienced people to answer more difficult or technical questions.
The CMAA solve issues and problems promptly, or as a minimum execute a reasonable plan of action.
Considerations I have personally found that Andy has excellent listening and communication skills and understands what it is as a customer that we require as an individual and as a club.
I could go on forever, however I hope that the information above gives any future club the incentive to do the right thing and become full members of Cobra. It was a step we at the Amateur Kickboxing Academy took three years ago and have never looked back.
Alan Reid.

I was trained by another instructor who sadly gave up his club just before I was due my 1st Dan. I met Andrew Morrell and he welcomed myself and a number of students from my old club into his club with open arms. When I moved to Wales I decided to open my own club and travelled back to Manchester to do my 1st Dan with the CMAA and they gave me all the help and support I needed no mater what time of day always happy to help. As for the rest of the CMAA Instructors I haven't met anyone that isn't happy to give advice and support. To sum it all up I consider the CMAA to be like one big happy family.
Peter Watkins.

The CMAA is the most Ethical Martial Arts Organization I know.
Tim White.

For me, joining the CMAA was a step we took with caution, not because it didn’t look good but because it looked too good to be true. Having trained in Karate for over 23 years now, I have seen many an organisation crumble and fail due to politics, crime and much more. I decided that the CMAA would be worth joining to see what it was really like and I can only say that it is better than I ever anticipated and has managed to boost my enthusiasm for teaching and training more. Every instructor I have spoken to has been friendly and willing to help each other as am I with any CMAA instructor I can help. Andy Morrell is a first class gentleman who is always happy to help no matter how big or small the problem. As for being too god to be true, that is just wrong, the CMAA define excellence in Martial Arts, simple. So a better way to phrase it would be "Exceptionally Good and All True!"
Andrew Banks.

The CMAA does exactly what it says on the tin, no false claims, no B.S., no big boasts, just honest decent hard working people! Enough said!
Julian Mallalieu.

As a new member I've found that the information, advice and help given to me have been the most valuable things so far. Previous organisations I have belonged to were always very secretive and although the people running them were friendly there was always a "them and us" atmosphere. When I decided to leave my last organisation I was going to stop teaching and just continue with my own training, if it wasn't for Mr Morrell and Cobra I would have. I recommend Cobra to everyone I know, but some people can't see the benefits or are worried about making a change.
Mark Kell.

I have found Cobra to be helpful, supportive, non judgemental, friendly to new comers, sharing knowledge for improvement of both students and instructors. But with set but not out of reach standards. I have nothing but respect to all members of Cobra, but mainly Andy and Gordon. All good friends. Big thanks to you and all the other instructors in the CMAA.
David O’Meara.

For me the CMAA has a complete package for Instructors who just want to pass on their knowledge of their particular Martial Art. The support you get is second to none and they have a no nonsense approach. My own clubs have benefited by making new friends through the CMAA who are now training partners. Mr Morrell goes out of his way to ensure you are respected and guided with every aspect regarding your schools and Mr. Russell makes you feel welcome the first time you meet him. I am proud to say I am part of the CMAA family now.
John Brennan.

I joined the CMAA because it is an open, non-political and most of all helpful organisation. How did I know this? Because I had known its founder, through IAOMAS for quite some time before I joined (when my previous organisations membership expired), so was able to observe how he conducted himself and how the organisation ran so knew it was top notch and the place for those that like to teach/train martial arts to be with.
Stuart Anslow.

The CMAA has been great for us here in Ireland as there is a huge amount of experience and information, which has really helped in setting up our club, info on the Instructor course was excellent for example. Also worth mentioning, on my application to Andrew there were some questions for me to answer re my Black Belt Cert, this put an important creditability to the CMAA straightaway unlike other organisations. My own Instructor has been fantastic with the traditional methods and with the support of a well-structured modern organisation, teaching students has been planned and the club is going forward in a specific direction. The Kids syllabus is hugely based on Cobra FMA now. I would also thank the CMAA for grading me to 3rd Dan as this option was not available to me in Ireland. I look forward to working closely with the CMAA over the many years to come. Thanks again.
Robin Jackman.

I joined Cobra in July 2006 when i decided to leave my previous club and start up on my own . I spoke to Andy on the phone and by speaking to him it was as if i had known him for years even thou i had never met him at the time.  I am glad i made the step up and joined the C.M.A.A .They are always on the end of a phone or e-mail if you have a query or need advice . Thanks for everything.
Ray Grey.

I first met Andy Morrell in 2004. He helped me to get my Style/System recognised and there was no pressure to join with the CMAA. Anything you need help with, he is happy to help and explains everything fully. An all round good guy and a good Association. Have met some good friends on the Summer Courses and will continue to be part of the CMAA.
Martin Folan.

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