PO Box 188, Manchester M34 0BU
Main Page - Conditions - Fees - Forms - Instructor Training - Syllabus
IMPORTANT: All fees must be sent either in cheque form with the order or paid online prior to sending the order in. If paid online a reference to how and when paid must be sent with the order. Any order received without payment will be placed in our pending tray, we do not make contact asking for payments.
1. Standard Membership Fees
Memberships can be paid for as and when they become due or new students join you throughout the year and are based on how many students you already have registered with us. When renewing each year lease ensure that the CMAA membership number is given on every occasion. Failure to do so will result in the applicant being processed as a new member and issued as such with a new number from the date the form was signed.
The application form can be found on the Club Management Page.
a. Under 50 students: £7.00 each
b. 51 to under 100 students: £6.00 each
c. 101 to 400 students: £5.00 each
d. Over 400 students: £4.00 each
2. Annual Block Student Membership
You may choose to purchase a block membership package so that all of your students membership/lincences will become due at the same time every year saving on administration time in having to chase renewals. Block membership carries a 20% discount but does not include a licence book, these can be purchased for £1 each if
required. Please note should you take the monthly payment option this is not a credit agreement and your block membership will expire after a failed monthly payment unless you notify us, in addition our monthly payment option will be cancelled if we have to chase payment on more than 2 occasions so it is highly recommended payment is made via standing order.
Renewing Your Block Membership
When the time comes for you to renew your block membership we will send you a reminder email, all you need to the is:
1. Tell us what block you want.
2. Let us have the CMAA licence numbers, names and grades of the students still with you.
3. Send us the fee either online or by cheque.
We will then re-issue your current student memberships back to you with the numbers they already have and make up the difference with new numbers. Contact us for a quote
3. Six Month Membership
This is now available to all members at £4 per student for the 6 month period. As some Instructors deliver short term courses in Schools this form of CMAA membership is ideal and at the at end of the 6 month period the student can either allow it to expire or take out full 12 months membership at the standard fee. Contact us for a 6 month membership form.
It is the responsibility of each Instructor to ensure they are using a current copy of the CMAA Student Membership/Licence Form and as such keeping 'library copies' is not advised.
4. Centre of Excellence (click here)
Initial Application = £40
Annual re-application = £20