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1. All Instructors are Black Belts or equivalent (registered with a UK National Body)

2. Instructor Training
a. MAIUK Programme in use, or equivalent.

3. Structured and approved grading syllabus in use - click here.

4. Club Management
a. Club has a constitution (template available).
b. Club has an equal opportunities policy (template available.)
c. Safeguarding policy in use, members may link to the CMAA website
d. Student database in use and in line with GDPR 2018.
e. Instructor insurance up to date, Student insurance must be at least £5,000,000.
f. DBS checks up to date (Garda checks for Eire). CMAA requires re-checks every 2 years.
g. Clear pricing in place.

5. First Aid up to date


Copyright Cobra Martial Arts Association 2006

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