CMAA Member Benefits
What Benefits Do You Get For Your CMAA Student Membership/Licence Fees?
There is a miss-conception that a Martial Arts Group student membership/licence is simply about Insurance, which is not the case.
In-fact Martial Arts Clubs/Groups should not advertise the sale of insurance, or lead members to think that is what they are paying
for unless they are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
When membership fees are paid to the CMAA they are purely for membership and not insurance. Student member/member and
public liability (click here) is FREE as a part of CMAA membership, however in order to be covered by the FREE insurance CMAA
membership must be in date and with regards to new members must be applied after the first 3 or 4 lessons. During the first 3 or 4
lessons students are included as 'guests' but after the 4th lesson the 'guest cover' will no longer be valid.
So What Are The Benefits Of Being A Member Of The CMAA?
1. Membership of The CMAA for 12 months.
2. The Licence Book plus 1 free replacement per year if lost / damaged.
3. National registration/recognition of all student grades gained during membership and full ratification of all previous proven grades.
These are recorded on the database and amended at each renewal and are also recognised by most other MA groups within the UK
due to the size and good name the CMAA has. Members of smaller less known or even independent groups often find problems
when they move groups/clubs or even simply when students ask the question "who is my grade registered with?". We know of
several clubs who have lost members due to not being able to prove national recognition for the grades they had issued making them
'local club level grades' only. Some Instructors may not think national grade recognition matters, but students and parents
quite often do especially when/if they then move to another area only to be told that the grade they hold is a 'local one' only
meaning they basically have to start again! When questioned about the 'transferability' of the grades they award, 'stand alone' or
'independent clubs' will usually state that no matter where you attain the grades they won't be accepted by other groups or clubs. This
is in fact not the case as most of the larger well known National Bodies will accept grades awarded by each other on production of
the membership licence/book or certificate, this is known as 'ratification'. A person would not accept an academic qualification if
it was not nationally registered so why should the Martial Arts be any different?
4. Listing FREE OF CHARGE on the National Black Belt Register including free amendments each time members advance in grade -
5. Reduction on CMAA training courses, most course fees are higher for non-members.
6. Access to online training direct with CMAA President Andrew Morrell
7. Access to our Training Programmes such as Martial Arts Instructor UK, & Cobra First Aid
8. The right to wear our Trade Mark Logo as a badge on their suit / Gi.
9. The right to train in any other CMAA Club through out the UK and Eire.
10. The right to enter any CMAA 'closed' event.
11. Back up and support should they need it - anytime.
12. Access to DBS checks at cost, we are DBS registered body (since 2002) so are not subject to higher umbrella body fees. Any
group/club can of course register direct with the DBS themselves, but if they fail to process no less than 100 (one hundred)
applications per year they will lose their registration without warning. The CMAA process between 200 to 300 every year.
As well as the above the CMAA Student Membership/Licence Fee also entitles the Club Instructor/Owner to:
1. Full recognition of all grades through out the Group.
2. Access to Liability Instructor Insurance direct with our broker, if required.
3. The right to use our name and trade marked logo and others on their website and advertising.
4. Access to CMAA branded grading certificates for club students at all grades. These can also carry the club logo. Please note
CMAA branded certificates are not available to non-members.
5. Free membership for him or her self (so long as students memberships remain in date).
6. Free Club membership no matter how many venues (so long as students memberships remain in date)..
7. Free listing on the National Black Belt Register.
8. Access to future gradings (all styles) at discounted rates and free Black Belt grades of 4th Dan and over (when awarded at our
events) when they are due without question.
9. Back up and support for the club as and when required. Members of certain social media forums will state they will do the same
should it be required but this rarely happens where as support from the CMAA is guaranteed.
10. DBS checks at the lowest possible rate as in we only add £3 to cover our admin costs.
11. Automatic affiliation to several other groups such as the Sports and Recreation Alliance plus the right to use the logos on their
own website.
12. The ability to work through and gain the CMAA Centre of Excellence Award
13. Access to other Instructors around the UK & Eire.