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What is Martial Arts Instructor UK?
The Cobra Martial Arts Instructor Training Programme (MAIUK) is a progressive training programme designed to address areas of
knowledge and training required to produce safe, efficient and effective Martial Arts Instructors.

Who developed Martial Arts Instructor UK & How Does it Compare to Other Qualifications?
The MAIUK Training programme was originally developed by a team of Senior Instructors based on years of experience within a
varied range of Martial Arts disciplines. The award was further developed through the input and guidance of specialists within the
area of NVQ & UKCC awards.

Why was the Programme Developed?
The Award was put together to demonstrate that the CMAA prides itself in providing it's Instructors with the relevant skills to allow
them to teach and run their lessons in a safe and efficient manner thus helping to prevent accidents, dangerous occurrences and other
incidents. More importantly it was also devised to ensure that Instructors disseminate information correctly and effectively and also
facilitate learning amongst their students.

Training Manual / Portfolio
We have a full training manual available containing valuable information as well as record sheets and evidence of learning documents that you will need as you work through out the Award Levels. All 3 Levels are explained in detail in the Manual. The manual also doubles as a Portfolio to be used to gather evidence of Accredited Prior Learning and Continued Professional Development as you progress through the Levels of this award.

What Training and courses will I need to do along side this award?
The Training that the CMAA endeavours to give through this Instructor Award is aimed at how to teach and manage incidents and
occurrences etc rather than what to teach. There will be additional courses and actions that candidates will have to undertake along side this award such as (for Level 1) undertake a satisfactory DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service) if they have not already done so.
A First Aid Course, continue with their CPD (Continued Professional Development) to satisfy the CMAA requirements that
Instructors keep up to date and add to their knowledge base through attending courses and seminars, as in attend Instructor courses
run by the CMAA etc.

What are the benefits to me as a Martial Arts Instructor?
1. Previous skills and knowledge are recognised.
2. New skills are developed.
3. Lead to the award of the MAIUK Level 1 Instructor Qualification.
4. Improve career progression.
5. A structured and progressive form of training and development.
6. Instil confidence in parents and students regarding your abilities as an instructor.
7. Satisfy the Insurance companies that precautions are taken by you to reduce the risk of injury to your students and reduce the risk of
claims against you.

How will I be assessed?
Your designated assessor, usually your own Instructor, will assess you over a sufficient period of time as deemed necessary, in order
to assist you to demonstrate both your knowledge and competence in organising, facilitating and delivering safe and effective
Martial Arts Instruction to students.
Your assessor will complete lesson/assessment plans with you and in order for you to achieve the activities on your lesson/assessment
plans your assessor will require you to demonstrate your competence. Your assessor will expect you to collect varied, authentic and
valid pieces of evidence of which can be submitted into your portfolio as evidence to substantiate your claim for competence.
In order to complete the award the candidate must be able to evidence assisting in/teaching no less than 20 lessons.

Observation Evidence
Your assessor will require you to participate in actual practice based observations. Your designated Assessor can only carry out these
observations and the observations and will be entered into your MAIUK manual in the Section entitled Training Records.

Written Questions
For MAIUK Level 1 there is a written exam. Candidates working towards Level 2 may also take the exam if they wish to. The exam is
designed to cover all the knowledge for which a candidate should have and be able to demonstrate by the end of the award and will be answered by written questions and multiple choices. The Candidate may be able to answer some of the questions from their existing knowledge base but it is envisaged that candidates will have to undertake some research in order to provide appropriate and correct answers to some of the written questions.

Oral Questions
Oral questions will be used to test the candidates knowledge where the assessor may feel there is more information that the candidate
knows but has not documented within their work. They may also be used when a candidate displays difficulty with their written work
and needs some form of assistance. This will be recorded in the Training Records by your assessor.

Witness Statement
A candidate can use a witness statement as a form of evidence for their award. The witness statement can only be accepted if it is
written by the person who witnessed the activity the candidate has performed and the witness is a MAIUK Level 1 Qualified Instructor.
This statement can be given to clarify that the candidate has assisted in/taught no less than 20 lessons.

Accredited Prior Learning
As part of your MAIUK training you will be expected to undertake a series of training courses such as the MAIUK Instructor Training
course. Once attendance of these courses has taken place the certificate or record of attendance can be added to the candidates portfolio and accredited to the award.
Once complete the portfolio will then need to be verified. The assessor will take your portfolio away and submit this to the
CMAA who will check the whole of the assessment process. If all actions have been completed and the award is deemed to be
achieved the verifier and assessor will then award the MAIUK Instructor Training Programme Level 1 Certificate.

Who can be a MAIUK Assessor and what is the role?
Once a candidate has achieved their MAIUK Instructor Training Level 1 Award they then automatically become a MAIUK Assessor
providing they have an up to date CPD (Continued Professional Development Record).
The assessor will then begin to pass on their knowledge and facilitate learning for the new breed of Martial Arts instructors that
take up the MAIUK Training Programme.
The role of the assessor is to facilitate the award and support you and assist you to plan and collect your evidence to demonstrate your competence in Martial Arts Instruction. They are also there to assess the quality of your work and assess that it meets the standards of the MAIUK Instructor Training Award. They are also there to encourage you to undertake research and reflect upon your practice, but ultimately they are there to support you to achieve your MAIUK award.

What if I am not satisfied with an assessment or verification decision?
If you are not happy with the assessment decision of the MAIUK assessor then you do have the option of making an appeal against the decision you have a grievance with. In the case of it being a grievance against an assessor or an assessment decision then the appeal should be made in writing to the CMAA. Please see the appeals procedure in Training Manual.
The aim of the MAIUK Programme is to enable you to demonstrate that you can consistently instruct students appropriately and
effectively whilst meeting the performance criteria over a range of activities to the standard required by most UK based national bodies.

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